How to Pick the Best Modern Rugs for Your Home

Revitalize your home by using modern rugs to bring out the best in your decor. The right combination of modern rugs for your living room adds a touch of elegance while maintaining a homey appeal, while the right area rugs can turn any ordinary dining room into a chic, modern space.

But you how can you differentiate a modern rug from any other form of floor decor? And how can you find the right one for your home?

What Makes Modern Rugs Unique?

Also known as contemporary rugs, the term “modern rug” encompasses a wide range of designs and styles. Unlike traditional carpeting, modern rugs are meant to be durable as well as stylish and you’ll see and use them on areas with lots of foot traffic.

Here are some traits that define modern rugs.

• Complements decor

Modern rugs are decorations on their own right, but they’re primarily floor accents. The right modern rug will bring out the best of its surrounding decor. Their subtle colors can highlight the sheen of your floor or wallpaper, or maybe their designs draw the eye to the flow of the room.

• Subtle patterns

    Modern rugs are seldom garish or ostentatious. Instead, they usually sport subtle designs that help them accentuate rather than define the space they occupy. Think floral patterns in minimalist style, or subtle abstract shapes woven into the thread of the rug.

    • Neutral colors

      Because they are better used to bring out the colors and beauty of other room decorations, modern rugs usually come in neutral colors. Expect them to be in cool shades of gray, rich cream, or any shade of tan and taupe.

      So now that you know what defines a modern carpet, how do you choose the right one?

      Picking the Right Rug Online

      Although you can shop for modern rugs at your local store, it’s much more convenient to do it online. Online stores sometimes have more design options and considerations than physical locations. This gives you more freedom when making your selections.

      Keep these tips in mind when choosing modern rugs online:

      • Double-check your measurements

        As convenient online shopping can be, you wouldn’t be able to assess your rug firsthand. This makes it important to always double-check measurements. Determine the size of the room you’re going to put the rug in and compare it to the size of the rug you’re purchasing online.

        Pro-Tip: Be vigilant of units and conversions. If you’re purchasing a rug overseas, double-check if the measurements are in metric or Imperial to avoid size issues.

        • Know the materials

          Modern rugs are often made of durable materials, but make sure to thoroughly read their descriptions to determine their materials. For example, cotton and wool are two common rug materials, but they vary in durability and lifespan.

          Pro-Tip: Is someone allergic? Find out if anyone in your household is allergic to certain rug materials before ordering and prevent medical emergencies.

          • Read reviews and ratings

            Like with all stores on the internet, don’t forget to check out their online reviews and ratings. Read their comments section and user feedback. Do they deliver on time? Are their products satisfactory? You can get this information from online reviews.

            Pro-Tip: Visit social media sites. If a particular online store has a Facebook page or an Instagram account, check out what people are saying about their product. You can also draw inspiration and design ideas from their social media pages.

            Modern rugs can make or break the surrounding décor. Choose right and the visual benefits will be worth every penny. Choose wrong, and you’ll be throwing money on an unattractive piece that demotes your interior. Be mindful when buying modern rugs online and always purchase from a store you can trust.

            Modern Rugs for Modern Homes

            Lolo Gifts and Rugs produce exquisite hand-woven rugs in modern designs that embody the rich culture and traditions of Turkey. Transform any room in your home into a sensuous, elegant space with our stunning collection.

            View our range of modern rugs today and discover the beauty of Turkish tapestries at their finest.

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